100-Year Floodplain - An area that has a 1 percent chance of flooding in any given year.
24 CFR part 58 - The section in the federal Code of Regulations (CFR) that outlines environmental review procedures for entities assuming environmental responsibilities. Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grantees must perform an environmental review that meets part 58 requirements prior to beginning work any disaster recovery project that uses CDBG-DR funds.
500-Year Floodplain - An area that has a 0.2 percent chance of flooding in any given year. These are considered areas with minimal flood hazard.
Access and Functional Needs Population - Residents who may have additional needs before, during, and after an incident in impacted areas, such as those who are elderly, disabled, live in an institutionalized setting, have limited English proficiency or who need transportation assistance. Their needs can include maintaining independence, communication, transportation, supervision, and medical care.
Action Planning - Steps, or activities, that must be taken to improve and sustain identified strategies.
ADA - American Disabilities Act
Affiliated Volunteer - Volunteers affiliated with an established organization and trained for specific disaster response activities. Affiliated volunteers can be a useful resource in helping to train and oversee spontaneous, untrained volunteers who self-dispatch to help after a disaster.
After-Action Report (AAR) - A document that evaluates an exercise and makes recommendations for post-exercise improvements. The final AAR and Improvement Plan (IP) are printed and distributed jointly as a single AAR/IP following an exercise.
After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) - The main product of the evaluation and improvement planning process. The After-Action Report (AAR) captures observations of an exercise and makes recommendations for post-exercise improvements; the Improvement Plan (IP) identifies specific corrective actions, assigns them to responsible parties, and establishes targets for their completion.
Agency - A division of government with a specific function offering a particular kind of assistance. The Incident Command System includes two types of agencies: jurisdictional, which have statutory responsibility for incident management, and assisting or cooperating, which provide resources or other assistance. Governmental organizations are typically in charge of an incident, though private-sector organizations or nongovernmental organizations may be included.